But if you would like to play CS: GO at 30 FPS, go ahead, it just won't be a nice even for a casual experience. Even for most people, 60 fps is still too low. Is CS:GO playable at 30 fps? Playable, depends… but for most people, definitely not. As such, everyone used 4:3 resolutions, and carried their habits over to CS:GO. If you do believe a larger monitor is an advantage, then 4:3 stretched can actually be superior to 16:9 using your arguments (if the perceived advantage from larger models tops the loss from decreased FOV). For tactical shooters like VALORANT and Counter-Strike, the best players-those who compete for thousands of dollars in cash prizes-tend to use lower DPIs like 400, 800, and, in some cases, 1,600. The lower your DPI, the slower your cursor will move. Mouses vary but they generally range from 400 to 3,200 DPI. Should I use 4 DPI? It's better to have a high DPI and a low sens because it tracks more dots per inch, per sens. If a player is using a DPI lower than than the number of times the mouse checks for movement, they're leaving performance and accuracy on the table. Most gaming mice check how far they've moved around 1,000 times a second, also called a polling rate. Simply put, a higher DPI makes a huge difference. 2️⃣✔️A second reason for low resolutions is the jump in frame-rates (fps).

This makes taking kills and head shots that much easier in lower resolutions. Stretch the screen in low resolution and everything looks bigger. Why do pro CSGO players use low resolution?ġ️⃣✔️ The reason you find CSGO pros playing in this ratio is that an opponent looks closer. Texture Filtering Mode needs to be bilinear.Multicore Rendering should be set to enabled though.Essentially you want to put everything to low or disabled.

Go to settings > Video > Advanced Video.Optimize your CS:GO settings for high FPS